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National Heart Month

February NewsLetter

February 22, 20241 min read


February Newsletter:

February is National Heart Month!

You have the power to take action to protect yourself against heart disease. Small heart-healthy actions like adding more movement to our day or choosing healthy foods, can have a big impact on protecting our hearts.

Heart Health

Heart Healthy Diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease

An article, written by experts at The Mayo Clinic, dives into 8 heart-healthy nutrition choices we can make for a longer, happier, and healthier life. Check out the tips and a button to the full article below!

The 8 tips are:

1) Control portion size

2) Select whole grains

3) Choose low-fat protein sources

4) Plan ahead: Create daily menus

5) Eat more fruits and veggies

6) Limit unhealthy fats

7) Reduce or limit salt (sodium) intake

8) Allow yourself the occasional treat

Link to the Article:

Ask about more tips for maintaining a healthy heart at your next visit.

See you at your next appointment!

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